Tuition and Billing Information:

-There is an enrollment fee for first time students and a re-enrollment fee for returning students. This enrollment fee is based on how many kids are being enrolled and is listed below. This fee goes toward diagnostic testing materials and curriculum. These deposit fees are non-refundable.

-The yearly fees listed below are broken down into 10 monthly payments. The months run from September to June. Our enrollment or re-enrollment fees are due by August 31st. Enrollment fees paid before the start of the school year will hold your spot in the school.

-Our tuition is billed through a system called FACTs and each family has a yearly tuition agreement through this system. All tuition is collected online and setup with automatic billing using your bank account draft, eCheck or Debit/Credit Card. Field trips, sports fees (optional) and other funds collection throughout the year will be billed through this system as well. Your FACTs account can be setup through these links. New families can setup their FACTs account starting on August 1st.

To setup your FACTS account for the Knoxville Campus, click HERE.

-Families who are re-enrolling do NOT need to create a new FACTs account each year. Once we receive your enrollment application, we will finalize your tuition agreement and you will receive an email confirming your agreement.

-The link to setup your agreement is in the “Admissions” menu at the top of this page under the “Tuition Payment Setup” sub menu. Select the applicable campus for your agreement.

Pricing for 5 or more students

For additional information on pricing for enrolling 5 or more students you can contact Knoxville, TN Co-op Location page here.

1 Student
  • Enrollment Fee: $294
  • Reenrollment Fee: $147
2 Students
  • Enrollment Fee: $473
  • Reenrollment Fee: $237
3 Students
  • Enrollment Fee: $630
  • Reenrollment Fee: $315
4 Students
  • Enrollment Fee: $735
  • Reenrollment Fee: $368